Robert Estrin - piano expert

Why Middle C Isn’t Middle C (on the piano)

Learn the secret behind the middle C location on the piano

In this video, Robert talks about the famous "middle C" on the piano. Where is it located exactly?

Released on April 5, 2023

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Video Transcription

So what is going on here? Why do they call this Middle C when it's not the middle of the piano and it's not the middle C of the piano?

Welcome to LivingPianos .com, I'm Robert Estrin. And the subject today is Why Middle C Isn't Middle C. What am I talking about? Have I gone off the deep end? Well, no, I'm going to prove it to you right now.

That's not Middle C, but that is the middle of the piano. Did you ever realize that? Well, you might say, well, it's the middle C of the piano. Here again.

These are both Middle C, aren't they? So what is going on here? Why do they call this Middle C when it's not the middle of the piano and it's not the middle C of the piano? Well, generally, it kind of is. So while it's not technically the middle of the piano and it's not technically the middle C on the piano, it is about the middle of the piano where the closest C occurs. So it kind of is Middle C. More than that, if you go back to the 1870s, even the 1880s, and certainly before then, the piano ended up here.

The highest note was A on the piano. And indeed then, if you score with all the Cs, that would be Middle C. So it sort of is Middle C, but if you ever thought that Middle C is the middle of the piano, now you might want to adjust where you sit. You should be sitting here in the middle of the piano. Not that this makes a big difference, but it could make a little bit of a difference lining yourself up between E and F, because indeed this is the middle of your piano, and these are two of the Middle Cs, but this C is closer to the middle. So I guess it is Middle C after all. How do you all feel about this? Did you all realize this before? I'm interested in the comments here on livingpianos .com and YouTube. Again, Robert Estrin at, your online piano resource. Thanks for subscribing and ringing the bell. We'll see you next time.

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Comments, Questions, Requests:

Carolyn a beginner on April 5, 2023 @9:51 pm PST
Hi, I was uncomfortable sitting in front of C, so moved to in front of E. Then I saw you video and feel happier. Thank you for all your videos.
Robert - host, on April 6, 2023 @9:54 am PST
Glad to hear that you are now centered on your piano!
Patricia Doyle * VSM MEMBER * on April 5, 2023 @7:46 pm PST
I’d never done your measuring exercise, but I recall learning as a child about the ‘great staff’, eleven lines, the middle one being C dividing treble and bass. All very difficult for reading. So, the C line was shortened to the leger line we know and the two staffs moved apart making the piano score we know today. Is that how that went?
Robert - host, on April 5, 2023 @9:00 pm PST
That's exactly right. You can think of middle C as the 11th line of the grand staff even though it is written as a ledger line below the treble clef or a ledger line above the bass clef.
Anthony Richardson * VSM MEMBER * on April 5, 2023 @2:24 pm PST
Interesting talk about middle C on the piano.
Never thought about it before from that point of view.

Grand Staff .........
Note C between treble clef staff and bass clef
(Generally speaking)?
Glenna McIntyre * VSM MEMBER * on April 5, 2023 @10:21 am PST
Never really questioned it, but I do find myself positioned in the center of the piano rather than at “middle C.” Very interesting.
Carole * VSM MEMBER * on April 5, 2023 @6:11 am PST
I would guess that "Middle C" refers to the note in the middle of the staff. Then when you find that note on the piano, you say "There's Middle C." It's really not about the piano at all.
Robert - host, on April 5, 2023 @11:53 am PST
That's a good point!
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